Can You Offer a Young Person a
Kickstart Placement?
Enterprise Enfield and NLCCE are working together as Gateway Organisations for small businesses in London - to help them access the Kickstart Scheme. The Kickstart Scheme is a £2 billion fund government initiative to help employers create hundreds of thousands of high quality 6-month work placements for young people, aged 16-24 years old (who are currently on Universal Credit and at risk of long-term unemployment).
If you are running a business in London (must be a Limited company or a charity), and are looking to create between 1 -29 Kickstart placements you can now apply for the scheme by completing the form below.
What will the funding cover?
100% of the relevant National Minimum Wage or National Living Wage for 25 hours a week
The associated employer National Insurance contributions
The employer minimum automatic enrolment contributions
A grant payment of £1,500 is available per job placement - this is for setup costs and to support the young person develop their employability skills so participants have the maximum chance of securing long term employment.
Kickstart Scheme Employers must agree to all the following:
1. Declaration:
This is a new job
The job does not: replace existing or planned vacancies; or cause existing employees, apprentices or contractors to lose work or reduce their working hours
2. Commitment:
Job placements will be:
for a period of 6 months, for at least 25 hours per week (employers can pay for more hours)
paid at least the National Minimum Wage or National Living Wage through PAYE (employers can pay more if they wish to do so)
Only required to undertake basic training
3. Provide the following documents at a later date once the application is progressed by DWP:
1 year's accounts
Data Protection Policy
Employers Liability Insurance
Evidence of PAYE Scheme
Please note you should only make 1 application for Kickstart placement(s) at any one time. Once your application is progressed by us and submitted to DWP it cannot be amended.
Please complete the Kickstart Application Form below.