Inspiring Woman Opens New Community Coffee Shop
in Bush Hill Park!
Sue Zaidman opened her dream coffee shop, at 103 Lincoln Road - opposite Bush Hill Park on Saturday 18th June. Sue is one of 21 participants on Enterprise Enfield’s RSA Trust Inspiring Women Programme, a 6-month training and mentoring programme designed to support women to start their own businesses. The scheme is fully funded by local charity, The RSA Trust, so it’s completely free of charge to participants. Sue's son, Louis Zaidman cut the ribbon at the opening of shop named after him.
Sue and her husband, Antony, have lived above the shop premises for 20 years and have always thought that opening a café opposite the park would be ideal, but the timing had never been right. However, after her mum passed away, she inherited enough money to realise her dream, but still needed help and support to put her plans together and get her idea up and running. It was then that Sue approached Enterprise Enfield and enrolled on the organisation’s Inspiring Women Programme. Sue says:
“The course has been outstanding, I would definitely recommend it to anyone who is thinking of doing it to go ahead. Where else would you get the chance to complete business training free - thanks to the very generous sponsorship from The RSA Trust? It's covered marketing, social media, financial forecasting, core values and many other useful tools. I even managed to make it through the basic bookkeeping course - something I was absolutely dreading!”
I have developed more business confidence and learnt to trust my instincts more. I have met an amazing group of women, we have forged strong friendships and a great support network. The overriding thing I will take from the course is the motivational aspect of pushing myself and believing in myself. I still find it hard to take the first step but now I have the tools to finish the journey!”
Sue has founded Louis’ Coffee Stop on a strong community ethos, and will be supporting a local autistic group, which started with a fundraising raffle on the opening day. She says, “We will also be sponsoring a 'Suspended Coffee' scheme, where people can come into the shop and pay for an extra coffee / tea that can be put back for someone who may need a drink but doesn't have the funds. This way we encourage the community to look out for each other. We want the shop to be a thriving hub where people meet and, above all, have fun!” The shop will be serving a variety of fresh foods including sandwiches, paninis, baguettes, bagels, jacket potatoes and soup along with ice cream and home baked cakes, including a delicious Lemon Drizzle cake, based on a recipe from Sue’s mum!
Enfield Council’s Cabinet Member for Economic Regeneration & Business, Cllr Alan Sitkin, said: “Hearing a success story like Sue’s reinforces to me just what a borough of opportunity Enfield is. We fully support town centres and our lifeblood is small businesses, made up of people working hard to realise a dream that many have had for most of their lives, people like Sue, who now thanks to excellent help and guidance from Enterprise Enfield have had a real boost. I wish her the very best, and would urge everyone to come along and support small independent businesses like Sue’s, as every £1 that goes to a local business supports Enfield.”
Opening hours are Monday to Friday 7am to 4pm and Saturday & Sunday 9am to 4pm

Left to right: Louis Zaidman, Sue Zaidman, Antony Zaidman