Previous Business Support and Employability Support Projects
Enterprise Enfield bids competitively to deliver business support and employability support contracts tendered by various bodies, such as the European Union. It has an impressive track record for delivering professional, reliable advice, guidance and training to target and on time and has successfully managed and delivered numerous projects over 30 years.
Projects in the last 5 years have included:
Construction Ready: Green Skills to Go: training support for construction sector SMEs. EE role: Delivery Partner. Prime Funder: London Regeneration Fund, Skills Funding Agency. (06/02/14 - 31/07/15)
Ecovate: FREE business support to Enfield and North London SMEs to help improve environmental performance, attract business, and save money. EE role: Delivery Partner. Prime Funder: ERDF. (01/10/08 - 31/03/12)
Enterprising Libraries New Biz Programme: advice, guidance and training for start ups. EE role: Delivery Partner. Prime Funder: Enfield Council, DCLG, Arts Council. (1/04/14, 31/03/15)
Exporting Success: advice, guidance and training to help SMEs access international markets EE role: Delivery Partner. Prime Funder: ERDF. (01/07/09 - 31/12/12)
Investing for Success: support to help SMEs access business finance. EE role: Lead Partner. Prime funder: ERDF. (01/09/09 - 31/12/13)
Green Light North London: support to Enfield and North London SMEs to help improve environmental performance, attract business, and save money. EE role: Delivery Partner. Prime Funder: ERDF. (01/08/11 - 30/06/14)
Retrofit London: support for SMEs - largely focusing on construction, property management and green building product sectors - to help them improve their chances of securing contracts or access government-backed funding initiatives. EE role: Delivery Partner. Prime Funder: ERDF. (01/11/13 - 31/12/15)
Enfield Rises & Achieves, advice: guidance and support to help unemployed people improve their chances of finding and securing work or to become self-employed. EE role: Lead Partner. Prime funders: ESF, London Councils. (01/06/12 - 31/03/15)
Excel Enfield: advice, guidance and support to help unemployed people improve their chances of finding and securing work or to become self-employed. EE role: Lead Partner. Prime funders: ESF, London Councils. (22/07/13 - 30/06/15)
RSA Trust Inspiring Women Programme: an annual 6 month programme providing mentoring, coaching and training to enable women to start their own businesses. EE role: Delivery Partner. Prime Funder: The RSA Trust. (Annually from 2008 – Ongoing)
Skills Support for the Unemployed: business planning and advice support. EE role: Delivery Partner. Prime Funder: Skills Funding Agency. (01/12/14 - 31/07/15)
Start Up Loans: advice and support to help start up businesses access finance. EE role: Delivery Partner. Prime Funder: Financing Start Up Enterprise and Government. (Oct 2012 - Ongoing)
Talent Match: advice, guidance and support to help unemployed 18 – 24 year olds improve their chances of finding and securing work or to become self-employed. EE role: Delivery Partner. Prime Funder: Lottery, London Youth. (Dec 2014 - Ongoing)
Acronyms: Enterprise Enfield (EE), European Regional Development Fund (ERDF), European Social Fund (ESF), Department for Communities and Local Government (DCLG).