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Inspiring Women Programme

woman in purple used on A5 flyer Aug 19

Please note - we are no longer recruiting for this particular ERDF Inspiring Women programme - however, we will be running a similar Inspiring Women Programme in early 2022 - please complete the Registration of Interest form below and we will be in touch to let you know the application process for the new programme.

Inspiring Women is a business support programme specifically designed to help women in London start and establish their own businesses, as well as grow and sustain existing early stage businesses.  

Support is provided through one to one sessions with experienced Advisers along with a range of business webinars and mentoring.  All the services delivered under this scheme are FREE of charge as they are part funded by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF).

Find out below how you can access either: 

 1. A 3 month Inspiring Women Start Up Programme (not trading or registered). 


2. The Inspiring Women Business Growth Programme (if you are already running an early stage business which has been registered for less than 42 months).    

1. Thinking About Starting a Business?

Apply for the Inspiring Women Start Up Programme

This scheme offers a FREE package of support specifically designed to help women in London start their own business.  It is delivered through a range webinars and access to our expert Business Adviser over a 3 month period.  This includes help with:


  • Creating a vision for your business

  • Researching your market

  • Exploring your business model

  • Learning about the skills and mindset required to start your business

  • Understanding legal requirements

  • Peer mentoring with like-minded people curious about starting a business

  • Action planning on how to grow and sustain your business.

To Apply 

To be eligible to apply for the next 3-month Inspiring Women Start Up Programme, you must be a woman and:

  • Be resident in a London borough

  • Be thinking of starting a business to be based in a London borough

  • Have a business idea, but not have already registered your business with HMRC or Companies House, or be trading. (If you have registered your business or are trading, you can still benefit from our Inspiring Women Business Growth Service for existing businesses, see 2. below)

  • Be able to commit to the 3 month period of the course - an average of around 10 hours a week. 

  • Not already be receiving support through other programmes

  • Not have registered a business / run a business in the last 42 months (from the date of acceptance on this course


Please register your interest on the form below.

To gain an overview of what's involved in starting a business, you may also be interested in attending our FREE Smarter Start Introduction to Starting a Business webinar.

The Inspiring Women Programme is part funded by the European Regional Development Fund

Register Your Interest in the
Inspiring Women Start Up Programme

Thanks for submitting! 

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